Find a Breast Surgeon Specialist List in Narayanganj

Breast Surgeon Specialist

Breast Surgeon Specialist

Find a Breast Surgeon Specialist in Narayanganj

Dr. Mrs. Meera Parveen
MBBS, FCPS(Surgery)
Member: Leparscopic Socity (AMASI), India
Member: Breast Surgery Association (ABSI), India
Breast, Piles and General Surgeon
Banghabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Chamber: Popular Diagnostic center
231/4 B.B Road, Chashara, Narayangonj
Phone: 7640216,7640219,
Mobile:01783-000024, 01783-000025, 01977-390000,
01977-490000, 01977-590000, 01977-830000, 01977-840000

Dr. Md. Mohiuddin
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (General Surgery)
General, Leparoscopic and Breast Surgeon
General Hospital, Narayanganj
Mobile: 01715-48 56 24
Chamber: New Health care Diagnostic and Consultation Center
31 B B Road, Hazi Eyakub Ali Mansion (1st Floor) Mondol Para, Narayanganj
Mobile: 01789-10 00 77

Professor. Dr. K M Ashraf Ali
MBBS (Dhaka) FCPS (Surgery), FICS
General Laparoscopic And Breast Surgeon
Department of Surgery
Eastern Medical College Hospital
Mobile:01711-532374, 01912-561452
Chamber: Medinova Medical Services
Zakir Super Market, 145 B B Road, Chasara, Narayangonj
Phone: 7646415, 7641965, 7641985
Mobile:01913-119989, 01842-119989, 01778-437889

Dr. Mezbahul Bahar
MBBS(Dhaka), FCPS(Surgery), MRCS(Edin)
Member: Leparscopic Socity (AMASI), India
Member: Piles Surgery Association (ABSI), India
Fellowship Training in Piles, Mumbai
Breast, Piles and General Surgeon
Chamber: Popular Diagnostic center
231/4 B.B Road, Chashara, Narayangonj
Phone: 7640216,7640219,
Mobile:01783-000024, 01783-000025, 01977-390000,
01977-490000, 01977-590000, 01977-830000, 01977-840000

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