Asgar Ali Hospital Dhaka Doctors List & Phone

Asgar Ali Hospital Dhaka

Asgar Ali Hospital Dhaka Address: 111/1/A Distillery Road, Gandaria (Besides Dhupkhola Playground), Dhaka-1204, Bangladesh.
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48
Mob: +88 0178 768 3333
Hopeline: 10602

Asgar Ali Hospital Dhaka Doctors List

Dr. Abdullah Al Jamil
MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD-Card (DU), FCAPSC (Singapore)
Fellow Interventional Cardiology (India)
Trained in EPS & RFA (India)
Ex-Associate Professor, Cardiology, BSMMU (P.G. Hospital)
Consultant – Interventional Cardiology & Heart Rhythm
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. Somayra Nasreen
FCPS (Paediatrics)
Fellow in Paediatric Cardiology (AIMS, India)
Trained in Fetal Cardiology (India)
Associate Consultant – Paediatric Cardiology
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. Ashia Ali
MBBS, Diploma in Anaesthesia (DA), FCPS
Consultant – Anaesthesiology
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. Wahida Parveen
BDS (DU), PGT (DDCH), Specially trained in OMFS
King Saud Hospital, KSA
Senior Resident Medical Officer – Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Ms. Shaila Sabrin
M. Phil (Nutrition & Food Science- DU), MS (Food & Nutrition- DU), B. Sc (Food & Nutrition- DU)
Senior Dietitian
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Labaid Hospital Doctors List

Prof. Dr. Zahedul Alam
Consultant – ENT, Head & Neck Surgery
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. Quazi Abdullah Al Masum
MBBS (DMC), MD (Gastroenterology), FCPS (Medicine)
Consultant – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. A B M Sarwar-E-Alam
MBBS, FCPS (Internal Medicine)
Consultant – Internal Medicine
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. Samira Yasmeen Ahmed
MBBS (MMC), MBA (USA), MD (Internal Medicine Board Certified, USA)
Consultant – Internal Medicine
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. Mursheda Akter
MBBS, D. Bact (Diploma in Bacteriology ), M. Phil (Microbiology)
Consultant – Microbiology
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Prof. Dr. M. Sawkat Hassan
MBBS, Ph.D. (KI, Sweden)
Immunologist, Molecular Diagnostic
Consultant – Laboratory Medicine
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Prof. Dr. Nurul Islam
MBBS, MRCP (UK), FRCP (Edinburgh)
Consultant – Nephrology
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Popular Diagnostic Center Dhanmondi

Prof. Dr. Zabrul SM Haque
MBBS, DTM & H (London), MD (USA)
Fellowship in Neonatal & Perinatal Medicine (USA)
Board Certified (USA) – American Academy of Paediatrics
Consultant – Paediatrics, Neonatology, PICU & NICU
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. Md. Nazmul Huda
MBBS (DMC), MD (Neurology)
Consultant – Neuromedicine
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Prof. Dr. Md. Waheeduzzaman
MBBS, FCPS, WHO Fellow (Singapore)
Visiting Consultant – Neurosurgery
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. Ferdousi Chowdhury
Consultant – Obstetrics, Gynae and Laparoscopic Surgery
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Asgar Ali Hospital Dhaka

Prof. Dr. Md. Hafizur Rahman Ansary
Consultant – Oncology
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. Md. Mustafiz M. Rahman
Consultant – Orthopaedic, Trauma & Spine Surgery
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. Major (Retd) Taslima Ferdous
MBBS, DCH, FCPS (Paediatrics)
Consultant – Paediatrics Asgar Ali Hospital
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. Mohammad Nashir Uddin
FCPS (Surgery), MS (Plastic Surgery)
Visiting Consultant – Plastic, Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. M. A. Zulkifl
MBBS (DMC), FCPS, FRCS (England)
Consultant – Urology, Andrology & Transplant Surgery
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. Md. Kamal Pasha
Laser and Endourology Specialist
Consultant – Urology & Andrology at Asgar Hospital
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Dr. A.R.M. Nooruzzaman
Consultant – Critical Care & Internal Medicine
Phone: +88 02 47443135-48, Mob: +88 0178 768 3333, Hopeline: 10602

Impulse Hospital Dhaka Doctors List

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